Pilates & Clinical Pilates

Pilates & Clinical Pilates


Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness” ~ Joseph Hubertus Pilates

The Pilates method is a system of movement and form of therapeutic exercise which was developed by Joseph Pilates, a German-born athlete and physical therapy pioneer. Its emphasis is on uniform development of the body through physical exercises that help in correction of muscular imbalances and improvement of posture, strength, coordination, balance and flexibility while increasing breathing capacity.

Our Clinical Pilates Program includes modified Pilates exercises that can help you recover from a range of Musculo-skeletal injuries and postural problems. This program aims to help you enjoy the variety of health benefits of Pilates by guiding you towards correct techniques for better and quicker progress.

Currently we offer 1:1- 30 mins consultations which are tailored to your requirements. These consultations are claimable through private health care funds at our clinic.